Ham Dashboard
Welcome to my Ham Dashboard! Here are some of the frequently used data that we talk about during a contact. JavaScript and location is required for this page to work.
Useful Links
- RadioQTH: for call lookup etc.
Find Your HAM Maidenhead Grid Square
Country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard
Status: Awaiting input...
HAM Area Code:
World Clock
Time Zone | Date and Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Time Zone | Date and Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) |
Current UTC Time and Date
24-hour format:
12-hour format:
Current Local Time
24-hour format:
12-hour format:
Translate Text to Phonetics
Phonetic Translation:
Phonetic Alphabet Table
A - M | N - Z |
A - Alpha | N - November |
B - Bravo | O - Oscar |
C - Charlie | P - Papa |
D - Delta | Q - Quebec |
E - Echo | R - Romeo |
F - Foxtrot | S - Sierra |
G - Golf | T - Tango |
H - Hotel | U - Uniform |
I - India | V - Victor |
J - Juliet | W - Whiskey |
K - Kilo | X - Xray |
L - Lima | Y - Yankee |
M - Mike | Z - Zulu |